
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Parent View

As a member of the Academy community with a young person attending Oasis Academy Wintringham, your views are incredibly important to us. By completing this survey, you will be helping us shape the future of the Academy and ultimately the lives of all our students during their time with us and beyond.

If you have any issues accessing Parent View Survey or would prefer to complete a paper copy, please contact our reception in the first instance.

You can give feedback at any time online via Ofsted's Parent View.

  1. If you have not already done so, please register with Parent View to receive a login password.
  2. You will then be sent a password to the email address you registered with.
  3. Copy this password and input it, along with your email address, into the fields below.

Parent Feedback

If a parent/carer wishes to praise our achievement or air any concerns about our academy community, they should communicate this as soon as possible.

In the first instance parents should discuss any academic concerns with the relevant class teacher. If the issue is of a pastoral nature then this discussion should take place with the relevant pastoral manager or Head of Year. Most concerns or issues can be addressed informally at this stage. Please telephone the Academy to discuss any concerns or to make an appointment to see the relevant member of staff.

If any issues remain unresolved, parents should arrange an appointment with the Leader of Standards for the relevant department, or Assistant Principal or the Vice Principal depending on the nature of the concern.

Any concerns raised will be investigated and parents informed of the findings. In most cases the issue will have been resolved by this stage. However, if parents are still unhappy, they should make a formal complaint in writing addressed to the Principal.

If all of the above stages fail to resolve the issue, parents should make a formal complaint in writing addressed to the Regional Director. The Regional Director is responsible for acknowledging, investigating and responding to such formal complaints about the Academy. Further details are available in the Academy's Complaint Procedure available by request from reception.