Assessment at Oasis Academy Wintringham is an important part of the learning process. Assessments are used regularly within each subject and are a reflection of the learning that takes place over time, with the aim of gaining an understanding of the development of curriculum knowledge, understanding and skills.
They are also a key tool in ensuring that subsequent teaching addresses any areas that have been less well understood and students are provided with an opportunity to improve and develop their understanding.
The majority of assessment takes place within lesson time and is based around the key curriculum coverage taught prior to the assessment taking place; assessments are sequenced to ensure the development of knowledge over time. Formal assessments also take place at the end of each academic year for all year groups to demonstrate understanding of knowledge taught across the year or key stage.
One of the most important aspects of the assessment process at Oasis Academy Wintringham is Guided Reflection and Improvement Time (GRIT). This is undertaken once assessments have been reviewed by class teachers and forms a key part of the developmental feedback process. During GRIT focused lessons/tasks students will be given the opportunity to revisit, rehearse and enhance any knowledge identified as requiring further development. This individualised approach is highly effective at identifying gaps in knowledge and securing understanding of key skills/concepts. It underpins the feedback in all subjects and all subjects approach this in the manner best suited to their discipline.
At key points throughout the year, parents/carers will receive a report detailing the progress their child has made in each subject they study. This is based upon student performance in both class work and assessment.
What is Progress 8?
From 2016 all students and schools will be measured on how much progress they make from when they start year 7 to when they complete their exams at the end of year 11. It is based on progress across 8 subjects across a broad and balanced curriculum.
Scores will always be determined by dividing the student's points total by 10 (the 8 qualifications with English and Mathematics counting for double) regardless of how many qualifications are sat.
Below is a 3 minute video from the DfE to help explain Progress 8 further.
What is Attainment 8?
Attainment 8 is similar to Progress 8, however this measures attainment rather than progress across the years over the same 8 subjects.