Careers Guidance
Vision - Climbing the stairway to an aspirational future through inspirational learning.
- All students have the opportunity to climb the stairway to university, or a real alternative, and lead a fulfilling and happy life.
- Students are empowered with a clear understanding of the link between academic success and reaching ones potential. This theme is continuously reinforced throughout pastoral and academic structures.
- Students are aware of the opportunities available to them at each stage of their personal journey through effective careers guidance, which includes first hand contact with education and training providers, as well as employers.
- Students have a planned programme of Careers Education and Guidance in accordance with the DFE Careers Guidance and Access for Education and Training Providers (Oct. 2018).
- All students receive up to date, impartial and relevant information, advice and guidance on a range of options available, to include both academic and vocational pathways such as apprenticeships.
Where are we now?
Ofsted March 2023 –
“Older pupils have very clear aims for their next steps after school. This is because teachers provide pupils with effective careers advice and foster links with local colleges.”
We are part of the Greater Lincolnshire Careers Hub and are also in partnership with Ørsted, our Enterprise partner. Ørsted provide local employment in the Offshore Windfarm sector, and are pro-active in encouraging an interest in engineering, as well as all the support roles that underpin their industry. We are looking forward to the support of Ørsted in our careers programme during the year ahead.
This award was renewed in August 2021 and reflects the continuing high quality of careers education which our students receive.
- Strategic Objectives
- Internal structure
- Entitlement, guidance and educational trips
- Measuring impact
- Partnerships, links and resources
- Labour Market Information - LMI
- Apprenticeships and Traineeships
- Parental and Student Information
- Employer Information
- Careers Websites
- Further Education - FE
- Higher Education - HE
- Policies