
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Year 11

Welcome to the Year 11 advice and guidance section of our website. Here we aim to provide lots of information to help students prepare for their GCSE examinations, as well as revision tips and resources and information about individual subjects. We also have some excellent advice for parents/carers to help students prepare for their examinations.

Revision tips and techniques: Click here to get access to resources to help with effective revision. All students have been given a copy of ‘Revision Cracked!’ from Tim Foot Study Skills. This is a guide to support revision for GCSE’s and other qualifications that students may be sitting. It covers many different topics from how to revise, making revision plans, organising revision sessions and sitting exams. It also includes how to look after students’ wellbeing.

Intervention timetables: All Year 11 students have been given personalised intervention timetables, with different sessions running across the week. Sessions run during lunch and after school. This is an excellent resource and allows students to spend extra time with their teachers to help support them address gaps in their knowledge and understanding. The most up to date version of this has been emailed to students and to parents/carers.

We aim to continually update this section of our website with more information as we move closer to the summer examination series. Keep checking back for the most up to date information we have available.