
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Latest News

Year 10 are due to start their end of year assessments next week!

Year 10 are due to start their end of year assessments which will help them to experience what it is like to sit GCSE examinations, as well as identify any gaps in their knowledge to help them prepare for Year 11 next year. Please find a copy of the timetable here, and this has also been shared with them in tutor.

We can’t wait to welcome you for our Year 5 Open Evening.

A great opportunity to come and look around our building and meet our wonderful staff and students. #proudtobeOAW

Also, this is another opportunity for current Year 6 students joining us in September to come along for an early taste ahead of our July Transition days.

Year 8 Parent’s Evening - Monday 22nd April, from 4-7pm.

Parents can book appointments through the ‘My Child at School’ - MCAS app on their devices. Please contact the Academy if you are unsure how to get this app or book an appointment. The letter about this can be viewed here -

You can view the latest letter about important updates from Ms Revell, OAW Principal here.
Year 10 Parent’s Evening - Monday 25th March, from 4-7pm.

Parents can book appointments through the ‘My Child at School’ - MCAS app on their devices. Please contact the Academy if you are unsure how to get this app or book an appointment. The letter about this can be viewed here -